Account deletion

We value your privacy and control over your personal data. If you wish to have your account and associated data deleted from our systems, please follow the straightforward process outlined below. This ensures that your request is handled promptly and securely.

Step-by-Step Guide to Request Account Deletion:

You can either ask for account and data deletion following this link or doing it from our mobile app as explained bellow.

  • Open the agrio app on your mobile device.
  • Open the account settings as shown below:
  • Click on the account delete button :

Data Deletion Details:

  • Data to be Deleted: Upon your request, we will delete your account and all associated personal data from our servers, including but not limited to your profile information, activity logs, and any personal preferences saved in our app.
  • Data Retention: Some data may be retained for a legally mandated period or for necessary operational purposes, such as financial records. This data will be anonymized and secured, ensuring your continued privacy.
  • Additional Retention Period: Please note that the deletion process may take up to 30 days to complete, during which your data will be securely stored and inaccessible.

For further assistance or inquiries regarding the account deletion process, please contact our support team.