పొటాషియం (కె) లోపం

Class: పోషకాహార లోపాల
Common Name: పొటాషియం (కె) లోపం

Drying of tips and along leaf edges (oldest leaves affected first)

Interveinal chlorosis along leaf margins

Ragged appearance (dried leaf tissue falls from leaflet edges)

Delayed maturity and poor yields

Uneven ripening of fruits

In Short:

Potassium is one of the three primary macronutrients required in high amounts by all plants. Potassium is what the “K” stands for in “N. P. K.” fertilizers. K+ is the most abundant cation found in plants cells.

Potassium plays many important regulatory roles in plant development processes; it affects osmotic regulation and is involved in the opening and closing of stomata. Therefore, it affects photosynthesis and water regime in plants.

When potassium uptake is inadequate, the stomata responds slowly. This results in less water circulation in plants, making them more susceptible to drought and temperature changes.

Control Measures

భారీ పంట ఉత్పత్తి మట్టిలోని పొటాషియంను వేగంగా తగ్గిస్తుంది. సాధారణంగా, నాటే సమయంలో పొటాషియం ఎరువులు పట్టించబడతాయి. ఇసుక నేలతో వ్యవహరించేటప్పుడు లేదా మట్టిలో అధిక మొత్తంలో పొటాషియం-ఫిక్సింగ్ ఖనిజాలు ఉన్నప్పుడు, పొటాషియం ఎరువులను చాలా సార్లు పట్టించడం అవసరం. పొటాషియం క్లోరైడ్ (KCl) లేదా మ్యూరియేట్ ఆఫ్ పొటాష్ (MOP) అనేవి విస్తృతంగా ఉపయోగించే పొటాషియం ఎరువులు. పొటాషియం నైట్రేట్ (KNO3) అధిక నీటిలో కరిగే లక్షణాల కారణంగా ఆకుల స్ప్రేలు లేదా ఫర్టిగేషన్‌లో ఉపయోగించబడుతుందని అంటారు.

*Names marked in red are considered to be highly poisonous to beneficial insects.

*Names marked in green are considered to be organic and IPM (integrated pest management) compatible.

Caution and careful notice should be taken when using any plant protection products (insecticides, fungicides, and herbicides). It is the grower’s sole responsibility to keep track of the legal uses and permissions with respect to the laws in their country and destination markets. Always read the instructions written on labels, and in a case of contradiction, work in accordance to the product label. Keep in mind that information written on the label usually applies to local markets. Pest control products intended for organic farming are generally considered to be less effective in comparison to conventional products. When dealing with organic, biologic, and to some extent a small number of conventional chemical products, a complete eradication of a pest or disease will often require several iterations of a specific treatment or combination of treatments.

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