Virus del mosaico de la yuca

Clase: Virus
Nombre común: Virus del mosaico de la yuca
Posible anfitrión:

Cassava (synonyms: yucca, manioc, and mandioca)


The key infection period for the virus begins 2-3 weeks after planting crops and the formation of new leaves have emerged. The symptoms appear 3-5 weeks after the plant is infected.

The symptoms appear as a mosaic pattern and discolored of leaves. Plant stunting, mottling, misshaped and twisted leaflets, and a reduction in the size of plants and roots also occurs.

¿Quién soy?

Cassava mosaic virus is one of the most economically important threats to cassava-growing regions. Over the years, several different species of viruses have been identified and shown to possess the ability infecting cassava in various countries, such as India, Africa, and South America.

Cassava mosaic virus is a member of the geminiviruses family and is transmitted in a persistent manner; whitefly adults feed on infected plants for more than a couple of minutes, sometimes hours. After the uptake, the virus has to circulate in the adult whitefly before it can infect healthy plants. In other words, the virus is acquired and transmitted by its vector in long periods of time that are measured in hours. Other than adult whiteflies, the spread occurs due to contaminated planting materials and occasionally by mechanical means.

Whiteflies are attracted to new foliage and colonize them quickly. A single whitefly contracted with the virus only needs about 10 minutes of feeding time to infect young leaves. When multiple infected whiteflies feed on a plant, the chances of the plant acquiring the disease are significantly higher.

Medidas de control:

Use variedades que sean resistentes a la enfermedad.

Saneamiento: Mantenga limpios los entornos y las condiciones ambientales de su cultivo eliminando las malezas y plantas cercanas que no están cultivadas o protegidas.

Aplicaciones frecuentes de insecticidas tales como Cypermethrin, Deltamethrin, Bifenthrin, Diafenthiuron, Thiamethoxam, Imidacloprid, Acetamiprid, Spiromesifen, Buprofezin, Cyantraniliprole, Spirotetramat, y Extracto de terpenos sintéticos de chenopodium.

*Names marked in red are considered to be highly poisonous to beneficial insects.

*Names marked in green are considered to be organic and IPM (integrated pest management) compatible.

Se debe tener precaución y aviso cuidadoso cuando se usan productos fitosanitarios (insecticidas, fungicidas y herbicidas). Es responsabilidad exclusiva del productor realizar un seguimiento de los usos y permisos legales con respecto a las leyes en sus países y mercados de destino. Siempre lea las instrucciones escritas en las etiquetas y, en caso de contradicción, trabaje de acuerdo con la etiqueta del producto. Tenga en cuenta que la información escrita en la etiqueta generalmente se aplica a los mercados locales. Los productos de control de plagas destinados a la agricultura ecológica generalmente se consideran menos efectivos en comparación con los productos convencionales. Cuando se trata de productos químicos orgánicos, biológicos y, en cierta medida, pequeños, una erradicación completa de una plaga o enfermedad a menudo requerirá varias iteraciones de un tratamiento específico o una combinación de tratamientos.

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