लाल मकड़ी की घुन

Class: कीड़े
Common Name: लाल मकड़ी की घुन
Scientific Name: Red mites is a common name for several important species of mites such as Tetranychus urticae, Tetranychus cinnabarinus, Panonychus ulmi, and Panonychus citri.
Potential Host:

There are hundreds of different cultural crops, including peppers, tomatoes, eggplants, cucumbers, squash, watermelon and melon, beans, peas, citrus, papaya, strawberry, shade trees, shrubs, flowers, and more ornamental plants.

Who Am I?

Small arthropods are classified as Arachnida and members of the Tetranychidae family, along with hundreds of different species. They are distributed worldwide and considered a persistent concern for farmers in warm, arid, and dry weather regions.

When weather conditions are right, a female is able to lay up to seven eggs a day and will do so on the underside of leaves. Adults feed upon plant tissues leaving yellowish nourishing marks.

Red mite presence in fields could go unnoticed until infestation reaches a critical point were damage to plants is clearly visible.

Control Measures

समय-निर्धारण : आरंभिक अवस्थाओं में संक्रमण से बचना अधिक सरल और किफ़ायती होता है खेत की नियमित रूप से देख-रेख करें और उपरोक्त चिन्हों को खोजें।

प्रभावशाली नियंत्रण में उच्च दाब युक्त अधिक मात्रा में पानी से पूरी तरह पूरे क्षेत्र में छिड़काव की आवश्यकता होती है। छिड़काव संप्रयोग स्थिर अथवा डाइनैमिक कार्यक्रम की रचना एक आम रणनीति है।

विश्व के एक अथवा अधिक भागों में प्रयोग किये जाने वाले उत्पादों में निम्न सामग्रियाँ हो सकती हैं :

बिफ़ेनज़ेट, एस्क्विनोसिल, साइफ़्लूमेतोफ़ेन, मिल्बेमेक्तिन, स्पाइरोमेसीफ़ेन, एबामेक्तिन, और पाइरिमिदिफ़ेन। अधिकांश मामलों में, adding खनिज तेल अथवा नीम तेल को छिड़काव मिश्रण में जोड़ने से परिणामों में अत्यधिक सुधार आता है।

नीम तेल और खनिज तेल

फाइतोसिउल्स पेर्सिमिलिस एक प्रसिद्ध, लाभकारी हिंसक घुन है जो व्यावसायिक रूप से उपलब्ध है।

*Names marked in red are considered to be highly poisonous to beneficial insects.

*Names marked in green are considered to be organic and IPM (integrated pest management) compatible.

Caution and careful notice should be taken when using any plant protection products (insecticides, fungicides, and herbicides). It is the grower’s sole responsibility to keep track of the legal uses and permissions with respect to the laws in their country and destination markets. Always read the instructions written on labels, and in a case of contradiction, work in accordance to the product label. Keep in mind that information written on the label usually applies to local markets. Pest control products intended for organic farming are generally considered to be less effective in comparison to conventional products. When dealing with organic, biologic, and to some extent a small number of conventional chemical products, a complete eradication of a pest or disease will often require several iterations of a specific treatment or combination of treatments.

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