Rose black spot is an important fungal disease of roses that is mostly active towards the end of spring. The fungus overwinters in infected plant debris from the previous season.
The fungus causes black spots to form on the upper surfaces of leaves. Defoliation can occur in heavily infected plants. Rain, overhead irrigation, and any other water-splashing sources triggers spores from infected plants debris.
Rose black spot tolerates a broad range of weather conditions, thus it allows symptoms to develop throughout the season.
Use variedades que sean resistentes a la enfermedad.
Saneamiento: Mantenga limpios los entornos y las condiciones ambientales de su cultivo eliminando las malezas y plantas cercanas que no están cultivadas o protegidas.
Los productos que se utilizan en una o más partes del mundo pueden contener los siguientes ingredientes:
Azoxistrobin , trifloxystrobin, myclobutanil, penconazol, pyraclostrobin y kresoxim-metilo.
*Names marked in red are considered to be highly poisonous to beneficial insects.
*Names marked in green are considered to be organic and IPM (integrated pest management) compatible.